Saturday, March 27, 2010

Did you watch....

Did you watch Jamie Oliver on tv last night? I must say I love him and  that he cares so much about our kids' health to put himself thru so much. The lunch ladies at the school he went to said they were willing to let him come and try things his way but in all fairness, THEY WEREN'T REALLY WILLING TO BE TRUE TO THEIR WORD!!!!! It really chaps me when people say they are willing to try but then they buck things all the way. Good heck people, we DO need to change our eating habits and tell these people who make the crap food that we do ingest that we deserve better. We also need to tell ourselves we deserve better than what we are giving ourselves. I want to try all of his recipes to see if I can enjoy healthy foods and get my big behind smaller. I know I need to get my health back up, especially after all the health problems I've been having. If we as a community would say no to going to concerts and ball games where the tickets are so exspencive and put that kind of money to feeding our children better, especially in the schools, and also to paying the teachers more so the classrooms are smaller and the teachers are able to work more closely with the kids. We are a warpped society. Jump on Jamie Olivers bandwagon!!!
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Missing in Action

I have been without my computer and so I go to the school my husband teaches at and use his but I can't put in pics so I thought I would let you know where I've been and I'll be back in another week or so. Thanx and check back next week about Thursday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'll share this one...

I want to try to start publishing and selling my stitchery patterns but not too sure how or where to sell them at that get's the best coverage. If you do stitch this or use this pattern in any way, let me see it (I LOVE seeing peoples work)and please mention whaere you got it from.

One of my Favorite Places...

When I'm in a creative mode but not sure what I want to make, I go to one of the three favorite fabric stores to become inspired. This one is Gracie Lou's in Salem Utah. You walk in and it's so bright and open, but the Colors of the fabrics and the Clothes on display or the Quilts! You just get so excited and I must say a little breathless and the creative juices go WILD!!!!

While there I came across these roses that come hooked together and I had an idea to add two alligator hair clips so I can attach them onto a headband. How CUTE!!! I thought they would be cute covering a clutch or purse as well. They run about $6 to $7 a yard so it would be a little expensive to cover a purse but still would be cute. Sew them along a T-Shirt collar would be fun too.  What do you think?